I never want to choose between work and home.

Alena Conley

Early in my career I discovered that the “work/life balance” highlighted in the company values section of my onboarding documents were merely gibberish. The culture of the industry I worked in was “first on the desk, last to leave”...and I loved every minute of it, it was exhilarating. I would work all night, catch a cab to the meat packing district, grab a late dinner and drinks and then dance the night away with my girlfriends. Just to do it all over again.

It was exactly what I had dreamed my life would be like...until it wasn’t.

My career was no longer fulfilling. I wanted more freedom, more choice, more opportunities that were well beyond my current reality. I had been bit by the 2012 entrepreneurship bug. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to just walk away overnight, it would require a bit of strategy.

This was the beginning of what I now knowns as my Lifecrafting Method, a mindful yet strategic approach to living. Of course I didn’t know it at the time, but I had found a way to build a life around the things that I found to be most important. I identified what I wanted, which at the time was to get my side hustle off the ground, and what it was going to take to make that happen while working full time.

Fast forward almost a decade later and my approach has become a way of life. A skillset that became invaluable to me when I made my first million leading a sales team of hundreds of women. And present day as I manage a household, parent four kids 6 and under and run multiple businesses.

Lifecrafting is so essential for me because these two things remain the same..I like to work and make money and I enjoy having a personal life that is full and flourishing.

The truth is, every season is different and life can be unpredictable.

One day you are excelling at your career and then bam you get married. Suddenly, another person wants the time that you once only had to dedicate to yourself and your job.

Then whoops...two kids later and the job that brought you so much fulfillment just 3 years ago, suddenly feels impossible. Either you are half-assing your presentations at work or you are missing the Nutcracker performance at school.

And like me, you keep recalling that company benefit package that promised “work-life balance”.

Spoiler alert. It doesn’t exist. Work-life balance doesn’t exist.

But you can create harmony between work and home.

It doesn’t have to be either or and you shouldn’t have to choose.

I personally refuse to choose and I am dedicated to helping ambitious women like you so that you never have to. I’d love to join you on your journey of crafting a flourishing life, learn how we can work together by clicking the button below.

Founder of The Reminder Remedy Company, Alena received her personal development and executive coaching certification from The CAPP Institute. She earned her certificate as a Positive Psychology Practitioner from The Flourishing Center in NYC. Alena is a proud alum of Florida A&M University where she earned a Masters in Business Administration. Alena has over 13 years of business experience and 8 years experience working specifically in the area of Coaching and Talent & Development. Her experience working as a small business consultant in the area of sales and marketing gives her a unique perspective when working with CEOs, organizations and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Alena is a mother of 4 and lives in Atlanta, Ga with her husband Prince Conley. A perfect day for her includes a good book and delicious food.